Ecological Conversion

2 April 08 | Posted in Global Catholic, Stewardship

“Pope John Paul II, who in a remarkably consistent series of statements on the environment, has passionately promoted ‘Ecological Conversion’ as the norm for all Catholics.”

“If such a conversion was to become a reality among the one billion Catholics of the world, think what a difference it would make to the well-being of the world, now and in the future…But passion for the environment will not be maintained unless we are plugged into Christ through scripture, prayer and the sacraments of the church.”

“As a Christian, concern about the environment must be linked to faith. We can express that concern as simply as by the careful use of power or water in our schools and homes, or as powerfully as by ensuring the magnificent Barrier Reef off our Queensland coastland is protected for the benefit of the entire planet.”

From An Ecological Vision for Catholic Education in Queensland, an address by Archbishop John Bathersby at the Queensland launch of Catholic Earthcare Australia at Marymount College, June 5, 2003.cea.jpg

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