Catholic Ecologists

These groups and communities are committed to ecological learning, activism and conservation.

Adorers of the Blood of Christ 

American Teilhard Association

An Gaidin

An Tairseach

Benedictine Sisters of Erie

Catholic Campaign for Human Development – Environmental Justice

Catholic Climate Change

Catholic Committee of Appalachia

Catholic Concern for Animals

Catholic Earthcare Australia

Catholic Ecology

Catholic Relief Services

Catholic Rural Life

Center for Earth Jurisprudence, Barry University

Earth Healing – Daily Reflections by Fr. Al Fritsch, SJ

Eco-Catholic Blog, National Catholic Reporter

Environmental Justice Program – Trinity Washington University

Franciscan Action Network – Care for Creation

Genesis Farm

Good Lands

Headwaters at Incarnate Word

Heartland Farm

Indigenous Environmental Network

Interfaith Oceans

Laudato Si

Live Laudato Si

Loyola University Chicago – School of Environmental Sustainability

Marianist Environmental Education Center

Mercy Earth Challenge

Mischievous Spirit and Theology: Queer and Green

Nano Nagle Centre

Network – Advocates for Justice, Inspired by Catholic Sisters

People for Community Recovery

Rise St. James

Sacred Space Astronomy

Saint Kateri Conservation Center

Santuario Sisterfarm

Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation

Sr. Dorothy Stang, SND

They Killed Sister Dorothy

The Catholic Astronomer

The Global Catholic Climate Movement

The Pastoral Center – On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si)

The Omega Center

Thomas Berry

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – An Ecological Spirituality

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – Environment

Vatican Observatory Foundation


White Violet Center for Eco-Justice